The Twins

The Twins
Olukayode and Folashade: 1988 During His Call to Bar

Sunday 5 August 2012

The Olympics...

The Olympics Park is absolutely beautiful, I strayed into it when I found myself driving past it last Wednesday. Even with the trepidation at finding myself driving in London I still found time to appreciate the beauty of the Park.

I was driving my mother, nieces (twin's daughters) and my daughter back to Kent to continue their holidays. My nieces had spent two weeks with us and it was a joy to bond with them and make more of a connection. Anytime they are around me I feel closer to my twin.

Yesterday whilst I was relaxing with my wife, watching the Olympics on television, my cousin sent some treasure trove of pictures. I want to share one or two of them with you. I hope it will provide a little understanding what its like to be a twin.

I spoke to a close friends recently about how my twin's passing away had transformed me. She could not appreciate it and offered no empathy, as far as she was concerned I could not have been one with my twin because I was not married to her. I mentioned the uniqueness of our birth and the emotionally connection that brings, but she left me with little understanding. It reinforce my thoughts that the only ones who can understand what a twin goes through are twins themselves.

Olu and Folashade at age 4 in London.

Olu, Folashade and Adebowale with cousins and friends in 1974 aged 8.

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